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Current Conditions and School Closings

Updated: 5:14am on 12/26/24

High: 28.1° 
Low: 26.3° 


 Partly cloudy with little temperature change

Wind: 5 mph from the SSW
Gust: 5 mph
Today's High Wind: 13 mph at 3:06am
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 30.31 in  (Steady) 
Pressure Rate: 0.001 in/hr
Dew Point: 18.7°
Wind Chill: 21.2°
Heat Index (feels like): 30.2°
Comfort Level: Uncomfortably Cold
Temperature Rate:  -0.15°/hr

7 Day Outlook for Bay Mills

OvernightThursdayThursday NightFridayFriday NightSaturdaySaturday Night
Mostly CloudyMostly Cloudy then Patchy DrizzleAreas Of DrizzleChance Light RainLight RainLight RainChance Light Rain
25° F35° F33° F39° F33° F41° F33° F
5 mph5 mph5 mph5 to 10 mph10 mph5 to 10 mph5 mph

SundaySunday NightMondayMonday NightTuesdayTuesday NightNew Year's Day
Chance Light RainChance Light RainSlight Chance Light Rain then CloudyCloudy then Slight Chance Light SnowSlight Chance Light Snow then Chance Light RainChance Rain And SnowChance Light Snow
39° F30° F38° F29° F36° F28° F33° F
5 mph5 mph5 mph5 mph5 mph5 mph5 to 10 mph

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